Blog and Newsletters
Cie Simurro
May 27, 2011

Cie and Thunder
A reddish gold corona rimmed the top of the mountains outside my bedroom window at 7:00 a.m. that January morning. I didn't awaken to it; I had been up every hour during the night. By 7:30, the light in the room was bright gold. "Look Thunder", I said as I kissed his head. "It's a Read More
Suzanne Strempek Shea
May 23, 2011
Bisquick was the runt of the litter, only five pounds and eight weeks of age when my husband and I adopted him in the fall of 2007. A shockingly high heart rate detected on his first trip to the vet meant a referral to a doggie cardiologist who put the English setter on human heart Read More
Women Reading Aloud
May 4, 2011
I just returned from a weekend writing retreat in Sea Girt, New Jersey where the director of Women Reading Aloud, Julie Maloney, invited me to assist her in offering writing workshops to women. This is the third time that we have collaborated and this year, we fully got our groove on. There is something Read More