The drum beat of my writing life, the members of the Great Darkness, read our hearts out at Elmer’s Store in Ashfield, Massachusetts. You never know if people will show up on a warm Sunday afternoon just to hear us read, but they did, in a crush of feel-good vibes. Most of us are fiction writers, but to our surprise, the selection of the day seemed to be non-fiction. We read about procrastinating, a man’s loving fascination with his wife, the race tensions of the 1960’s, how to turn a cancer diagnosis into a dating strategy, decoding food among teenagers, a future note to grandkids, and a daughter’s use of Frito chips as a salve for bottomless grief. Our resident poet and one writer held up the fiction world.
But here’s the really good news: we raised $200 for Voices From Inside, an organization that provides writing groups to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women. This is a group that has touched hundreds of women at a time when they thought that they didn’t matter, and their voices were unheard. If you are part of a group (writing or otherwise) consider donating to this wonderful organization so that they can continue.
Voices From Inside
But here’s the really good news: we raised $200 for Voices From Inside, an organization that provides writing groups to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women. This is a group that has touched hundreds of women at a time when they thought that they didn’t matter, and their voices were unheard. If you are part of a group (writing or otherwise) consider donating to this wonderful organization so that they can continue.
Voices From Inside